BATON ROUGE - The Futures Fund is an initiative spun out of The Walls Project to catalyze economic development and neighborhood revitalization in high-need communities.
It is a new program designed with the mission to create digital, literary, visual, and performing arts-based entrepreneurial opportunities for youth 14-18 years old.
After youth complete each level of the Saturday training programs they will be directed to paid opportunities to demonstrate mastery of their arts and technology disciplines.
A diverse team of industry experts, community leaders, and educators have partnered together to the launch The Futures Fund mission. See a complete list of partners below who are all collaborating in order to better position youth from North BR and Mid City for revenue-generating opportunities that display mastery of their arts discipline.
“The persistence of the digital divide along socio-economic and racial lines threatens the competitiveness of Baton Rouge, the state of Louisiana, and the U.S. in general. The Futures Fund directly addresses the threat posed by this divide by empowering young people with a skill set to compete and thrive in the 21st century.” – Dr. Carlos Thomas (Chief Information Officer, Southern University)
For more information: The Futures Fund
Media Requests : Casey Phillips |
The Force Agency | 451 Florida St. Ste.102 Baton Rouge, La 70801
"According to Google Diversity, women make up just 18% of computer science degrees, down from 37% twenty years ago. Today, fewer than <1 a="" and="" are="" aren="" as="" b="" being="" big="" by="" cannot="" college="" computer="" everywhere="" future="" girls="" high="" i="" imagine="" in="" innovation.="" interested="" lives="" look="" major.="" of="" part="" people="" pursuing="" s="" school="" science="" t="" technology="" this="" transformed="" where="" you="">1>"
- Shermaine Haymer (IT Applications Programmer, Futures Fund Digital Instructor)