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Showing posts from June, 2015

Preparing Youth For Jobs Aligned With The Future

BATON ROUGE - The Futures Fund is an initiative spun out of The Walls Project to catalyze economic development and neighborhood revitalization in high-need communities. It is a new program designed with the mission to create digital, literary, visual, and performing arts-based entrepreneurial opportunities for youth 14-18 years old. After youth complete each level of the Saturday training programs they will be directed to paid opportunities to demonstrate mastery of their arts and technology disciplines. A diverse team of industry experts, community leaders, and educators have partnered together to the launch The Futures Fund mission.  See a complete list of partners below who are all collaborating in order to better position youth from North BR and Mid City for revenue-generating opportunities that display mastery of their arts discipline. “The persistence of the digital divide along socio-economic and racial lines threatens the competitiveness of Baton Rouge, the stat...